LSPIV application in the hydrological design of hydraulic infrastructure

  • Myriam Cecilia Botelli
  • Nicolás Federico Guillén
  • Carlos Marcelo García
  • Antoine Patalano
  • Marcelo Chalabe
Keywords: LSPIV, flash floods, design hydrology, hydraulics


In this work, a new flow measurement technique is implemented in
the province of Salta. The flows that occur during flash floods in
mountain rivers, (as most of the cases in Salta), have some particular
characteristics that make intrusive technologies of velocimetry (such
as conventional hydraulic reels or Doppler hydroacoustic flowmeters - ADCP) usual to measure flows in river courses
cannot be implemented. In the present study, the
application of the remote experimental technique
LSPIV (Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry)
to measure flow velocities in rivers of Salta
province, Argentina, is evaluated. For this purpose,
meteorological stations were installed in areas of
interest and recurrences of characterized flood
events were estimated.


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How to Cite
Botelli, M. C., Guillén, N. F., García, C. M., Patalano, A., & Chalabe, M. (2020). LSPIV application in the hydrological design of hydraulic infrastructure. Cuadernos De Ingeniería, 12(XII), 21-38.

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