Development of a mechanical fan based on axial turbocharger
The covid-19 pandemic has been the driving force behind a series of
developments in all areas of biotechnology due to the dangerousness of the
virus, its high rate of contagion and its dangerousness in terms of patient
mortality; these developments have had several objectives, one of which has
been to provide patient care systems in health emergency situations. Given the possibility of the collapse of intensive treatment
rooms, one of the most required equipment to be able
to attend patients who do not have space in the ICUs is
the respiratory assistance ventilator.
In this sense, the development group belonging
to IESIING, from the Catholic University of Salta,
focused on the development of an emergency
fan model that could be replicated with minimal
knowledge of electronics with common components
and the use of 3D printers. Thus, a prototype was
developed that meets these expectations based
on the use of an axial turbocharger, as a result
of studying the various possibilities of adapting
systems for mechanical ventilation.

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