Caudales de diseño en cuencas de la Provincia de Salta

  • Myriam Cecilia del Rosario Botelli Facultad de Ingeniería - UCASAL
  • Nicolás Federico Guillén
  • Matías Eder
Keywords: Design hydrology - Design Flow Discharges – Salta Basins


Following with the hydrologic and hydraulic research of the Water Risk group, in this project is proposed to integrate hydrological and hydraulic concepts in different river basins of the Salta province to proceed with their integral management in order to improve different hydraulic structures or to define flood surfaces with a unified hydrological criterion for the entire province.

Regarding rainfall, it is proposed to improve the provincial rainfall monitoring network.

Besides, it is proposed to implement precipitation/runoff models for the estimation of design flow discharges and design flow hydrographs asociated to differents probabilities of occurrence (recurrences). The estimation of design flow hydrographs are essential to improve the sustainable water management and mitigate the water risk.


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How to Cite
Botelli, M. C. del R., Guillén, N. F., & Eder, M. (2022). Caudales de diseño en cuencas de la Provincia de Salta. Cuadernos De Ingeniería, 14(IV), 51-90.

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