Analysis of the Institutional Framework Linked to the Implementation of REDD+ Safeguards in the Province of Salta
The Institute of Environmental Law and Sustainability, under the Faculty of Legal Sciences, submitted to Universidad Católica de Salta the research project entitled “Analysis of the Institutional Framework Linked to the Implementation
of REDD+ Safeguards in the Province of Salta”. The project was approved through Rectoral Resolution 1735/16. The aim of the project is to make recommendations related to the implementation of REDD+ safeguards, considering
mainly the great deforestation rates over the last years in the Province, with special consideration given to the population of indigenous communities, as well as the entire population located in the area of influence of the clearings. Specifically, the aim of this article is to inform the community about the scope and implications of the program, and the effective impact it has on our “common home”.

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