Looks and perspectives of inequality Disputes about equal opportunities and equal positions
Inequality is an object of study widely overhauled by multiple disciplines, diverse authors, in different contexts and, moreover, in evolutionary moments of societies with their undeniable particularities. Far from being a concept of unique definition, we will consider and analyze the visions of different authors in the social field that represent disruptions in this study. These include Charles Tilly, Luis Reygadas and Gabriel Kessler. Each one of them, in dissimilar contexts, contributes to reflection with adjectives, characteristics and/or perspectives that are part of a social construction. Inequality may be presented as persistent or as an intricate matter that is wrapped in networks to explain its elements and complexities.
Amartya Sen’s contributions will lead us to cross-sectional analyzes that include development and freedom in the subject.
Bourdieu, P. y Passeron, J. C. (1977). La reproducción, elementos para una teoría del sistema de enseñanza. Barcelona: Laia.
Dubet, F. (2014). Repensar la justicia social. Contra el mito de la igualdad de oportunidades. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
Kessler, G. (2014). Controversias sobre la desigualdad. Argentina 2003-2013. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Reygadas, L. (2008). La apropiación. Destejiendo las redes de la desigualdad. Cap. 1: “La apropiación expropiación: un enfoque procesual de la desigualdad”. Barcelona y México: Antropos.
Sen, A. (1999). Desarrollo y Libertad. Barcelona: Planeta.
Tilly, Ch. (2000). La desigualdad persistente. Capítulo 1: “De esencias y vínculos”. Buenos Aires: Manantial.

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