Legal Argumentation Dilemmas Regarding Constitutional/Conventional Protection of Human Rights
A Reflection on the Jurisprudence of the Argentine SupremeCourt and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
The action of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) has generated dissimilar interpretations in the doctrine and jurisprudence ofour countries. Statements bear relation to issuesof legal dogmatics, politics, philosophy and thetheory of legal argumentation. In this regard, inmany circumstances, the safeguarding of fundamental rights pose real “dilemmas” concerningthe concretion of the constitutional and conventional rights involved. In such cases, it is notpossible to achieve a “balance” (neither an “optimal” nor even a “minimal” one) between these rights; therefore, cases are no longer presented as “easy” or “difficult”, but as “tragic”. This paper presents two examples of the above, from cases involving the IACHR and the Argentine Supreme Constitutional Court (CSJN), as well as an attempt to find a way to overcome the aporia detected so that the systems at play may fulfill the objective of safeguarding the fundamental rights for which they have been created.
Referencias Bibliográficas
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Fallos y Sentencias
CIDH, caso “Bulacio vs. Argentina”, sent. del 18/9/03 (fondo, reparaciones y costas).
CSJN, causa "Espósito, Miguel Angel s/ incidente de prescripción de la acción penal promovido por su defensa", sent. del 23/12/04, Fallos: 334:1504.
CSJN, causa “Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto s/informe sentencia dictada en el caso ‘Fontevecchia y D’ Amico vs. Argentina’”, del 14/2/2017, Fallos: 340:47.
CSJN, Fallos: 251:87; 255:293; 264:94; 272:231; 297:201; 308:1631.

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