Adoptability: when being a family member is not enough… (A commentary on a ruling of the Court of Civil and Commercial Appeals of Salta)

  • Ivanna Chamale de Reina Universidad Católica de Salta
Keywords: adoptability, family, higher interest, children


Since the enactment of the law Law 26.061, decisions on whether a child is able to remain in his family of origin or must be included temporarily in another family group, are taken from the evaluations on the exceptional measures applied for their protection. The declaration of adoptability instituted by the new legal system is materialized with the decision taken by the court, after having analyzed the facts and circumstances that placed that child or adolescent in a situation of such violation that justifies the early separation of his family of origin, which must be replaced.
This paper analyzes the ruling of the Chamber of Civil and Commercial Appeals of Salta, Room I in case “R, J.E; R.J.M. and others - Declaration of Abandonment, State of Adoptability” which confirms the sentence that declared that five brothers are in a state of adoptability.


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Author Biography

Ivanna Chamale de Reina, Universidad Católica de Salta

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How to Cite
Chamale de Reina, I. (2019). Adoptability: when being a family member is not enough… (A commentary on a ruling of the Court of Civil and Commercial Appeals of Salta). Omnia Journal, 1(1), 127-134. Retrieved from
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