Anomic Persons: On the Lack of Certainty and Legal Subjectivity in Times of Pandemic

  • Helga Lell Conicet, UNLPam
Keywords: anomie; Person; Legal Concepts; Legal certainty; Covid-19


This paper problematizes the legal concept of the person as the center of imputation of rights and obligations and associated with the metaphor of the theatrical mask in light of the normative changes that have occurred in the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to think about the identity and social disintegration that results from a context of anomie in which normative overproduction, vertiginous change and legal insecurity generate a new type of person. Thus, here the notion of anomic person is postulated as a way to highlight the impact of the legal phenomenon on this central notion in general theory of law.


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How to Cite
Lell, H. (2022). Anomic Persons: On the Lack of Certainty and Legal Subjectivity in Times of Pandemic. Omnia Journal, 5(2), 43-52.