People-centered public policy ecosystem to guarantee access to justice for victims of gender violence in vulnerable situations. Tartagal Judicial District
The article is the synthesis of an investigation carried out for the School of the Magistracy of the Judiciary of Salta, in the year 2022. In particular, we were interested in investigating the problems of access to justice that victims of gender violence encounter. in the Tartagal Judicial District at the time of making their rights effective. Thus, we took the Family and Gender Violence Office that operates in the aforementioned district as our observation horizon. A district that is geographically complex because it extends from the city of Embarcación to the border of Salvador Mazza and to the town of Los Blancos in the department of Rivadavia Banda Norte and therefore provides services for a multiplicity of cultural identities and social conditions.
In order to realize this objective, the research took a qualitative approach using interviews with different actors involved in access to justice and the observation of a day of attention to the public of the Office of Family and Gender Violence to relieve the types of obstacles (procedural, structural and/or sociodemographic) and violence that victims face.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Noelia Navarrete, Estela Lizondo

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