Analysis, Diagnosis and Proposals of the San Bernardo Convent’s Plaza and Surroundings, Salta

  • Leonardo Pellegrini


One of the most relevant landmarks in the city center of Salta is the urban space created by both the San Bernardo Chapel and the Convent’s plaza. It is relevant not only because of the touristic aspect of its historical features but also because of the particular urban spatial qualities surrounding the city center. This space works as the end of an axis that begins in the south sector of the 9 de Julio square where the Historic Cabildo is located and continues one block to the east where another prominent urban space can be found, the San Francisco Church. This axis not only finds its focal point in the Convent but is also framed by the San Bernardo hill as a backdrop. In this article, the morphological and spatial characters of the area corresponding to the San Bernardo Convent and its surroundings are described; for this, three scales are taken into account: urban, neighbourhood and objective sector scales. Actions aimed at achieving their maximum expressive and generative potential are also recommended. The site was chosen on the basis of its atypical features into the city center’s urban fabric, the relevance as a historical monument and the meaning as a form-space sign that qualifies, radiates and provides meaning to the historic center, which contributes to the construction of the urban narrative.




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Author Biography

Leonardo Pellegrini

Arquitecto por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT). Artista Plástico. Alumno de la Maestría en Valoración del Patrimonio Natural y Cultural (FAU-UCASAL). Profesor Titular en las cátedras Medios de Expresión I, Medios de expresión II y Taller Periferia (FAU-UCASAL). Es actualmente Jefe de Proyectos de la Municipalidad de Salta.

How to Cite
Pellegrini, L. (2019). Analysis, Diagnosis and Proposals of the San Bernardo Convent’s Plaza and Surroundings, Salta. Teks Del Sud, 1(1).