Propiciating ethical capacities in Computing / Informatic Engineers by competency-based education: a proposal

  • H. Beatriz Parra de Gallo Universidad Católica de Salta
Keywords: education in engineering, competency-based education


The objective of this paper is to show the need to strengthen the ethical training of computer engineers, taking into account the demand that in this sense arises as a continuous requirement of society. Considering that the educational model of competency-based training can provide an answer to this need, a proposal is made to apply the teaching by competences in a subject in the area of databases, promoting the formation of ethical capacities in the students.


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Author Biography

H. Beatriz Parra de Gallo, Universidad Católica de Salta

Ingeniero en Computación (UCSE), Master en Administración de Negocios (UCASAL), actualmente se encuentra cursando el Doctorado en Ingeniería Mención Sistemas de Infor- mación (UTN-FRSF). Integra el Grupo de Forensia Digital del IEsIng, y es docente de la carrera de Ingeniería en Informática de la UCASAL. Cumplió diversas funciones de ges- tión académicas en la Facultad de Ingeniería de esa universidad. En el ámbito privado se desempeña como Directora Comercial en la empresa IRUYA INGENIERIA SRL. 

How to Cite
Parra de Gallo, H. B. (2019). Propiciating ethical capacities in Computing / Informatic Engineers by competency-based education: a proposal. Cuadernos De Ingeniería, (10), 15-28. Retrieved from