The art of words in the classroom

  • Mabel Parra
Keywords: rhetoric, argumentation, rhetorical strategies, critical perspective


The aim of this paper is to retreive classical rhetoric and to highlight its
importance in the classroom. This art of words, dating back to classical
Greece, becomes epistemic discourse seeking«truth» in order to «teach». Current linguistic studies: the theories of enunciation,
speech acts, argumentation, and discourse from a
critical perspective – among many others related to
rhetoric – enable the consideration of the persuasive
discourse that develops argumentative strategies and
relates the enunciator(s) and the addressee(s).
From this perspective, including rhetoric in the
classroom is both almost mandatory and urgent,
since well-prepared educators will be able to
generate strategies to channel and foster rhetorical
practices from a critical perspective.




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How to Cite
Parra, M. (2020). The art of words in the classroom. Cuadernos Universitarios, 13(XIII), 61-66.