The Digital Context of the New University Reforms

  • Claudio Rama
Keywords: digitalization, university, reforms, knowledgebased society


The essay analyzes that we are facing a social transformation due to the irruption of a digital dynamic of work processes. This in turn derives from changes in knowledge and in information and communication technologies. This digital society drives economic growth, which creates the challenge of promoting digitalization as a lever for development. This ongoing transformation promotes the creation of learning societies, to allow greater provision of human resources, innovation and specialization of labor skills. This digital disruption of society is being accelerated by «pandemics», and leads to a new and very broad university reform focused on the incorporation of a hybrid digital education. The article maintains that this is part of a reform of diversity, and that this structural innovation in the organization of teaching is not limited to the use of articulated modalities, but implies changes in the role of the teacher, who becomes a mentor for learning with a strong ICT incidence. However, it is suggested that the speed of change also creates resistances that will mark the final course of these developing reforms, which unfold in the new scenario of power in the digital world, which is more ephemeral and weaker.


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How to Cite
Rama, C. (2021). The Digital Context of the New University Reforms. Cuadernos Universitarios, 14(XIV), 11-28.