Representations operating on the problem of child sexual abuse In public health areas of Salta-Argentina province
En ámbitos de salud pública de la provincia de Salta-Argentina
This research focuses, from an exploratory nature, the social representations that arise in the face of the problem of child sexual abuse (ASI), in the professional and non-professional personnel of an area of the public health system of the province of Salta-Argentina. Social representations make it easier for us to know the recordable and naturalized evidence, which may conflict with academic knowledge. That's why it's important to consider them. This research is a significant step in trying to change or change social practices that relativize the presence of sexual abuse in children and adolescents and to enable an adequate and timely response to their emergency, as representations, discourse and practices condition each other and determine the threshold for reaction to the ASI. Public health workers, like all people, have representations about ASI. Therefore, assessing training needs for the at-risk child, determining the predictive factors of their attitudes and the level of knowledge on the subject is essential, as all this will lead to generating resources to protect them, through prevention tasks and appropriate interventions.
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